Monday, March 12, 2007

Just another blog

Stefan got a job in Melbourne about a 5 weeks ago. I am working for the Environment Protection Authority at their Dandenong office. I'm enjoying the work, there is a lot to learn, but I've done similar work before.

We are renting a small house in Clayton. It is just opposite from Monash Uni. I'm enjoying being in a cable internet area! Fast! We wanted to rent a larger house but the way rentals are in Melbourne are at the moment, you have to take what you get. That's what happens when 60,000 new people arrive each year. Stefan is catching the bus to work each day, and is enjoying the change of pace from teaching. It's nice to have your lunch time to yourself, no playground duty or interruptions.

Benny and Jordan are settling in well, they are loving the concreted patio and driveway for hooning around on. They are also enjoying an unofficial week or so off from school, and it is taking some convincing to get them back to school. Yesterday we took them to the beach at Edithvale. Aunty Deb made them a kite some years back and it was great to put it thru its paces. We have tried to fly the kite at other times in Toowoomba but it wasn't windy enough. Yesterday the wind came in truckloads. The fishing line that Stefan connected it with snapped within the first minute.

I met the neighbours on one side. A bunch of uni students. One bloke is from Mackay. He has a big XXXX sign on his door. They seem nice enough.

The area that we live in is quite industrial, near the Nestle factory and not too far from Toyota's Technical division. Still, it is handy to shops, my work, the boys' future school, and the city. Clayton is the centre of gravity population wise for the whole city (they tell me)

Anyhow, better go. As my uncle always said in Afrikaans "Cheers vir eers ou bees" (cheers for now old cow). Drop us a line or pop in if you're ever down in
